Monday, June 25, 2012

Team USA!!

I know it's been a while since I've been here. After a whirl wind business trip last week, I'm back at it. Excitement meter is pretty high right now, with U.S. Olympic Trails for swimming already started this morning, Kansas City Corporate Challenge swim meet starting tonight, and my first race in the USMS Summer Nationals is just 11 days away.

First, if you haven't been here before, I'm a father of a child with Autism and I'm competing in the 2012 US Masters Swimming Summer Nationals, and raising money for the Ozark Center For Autism. Go here for my intro blog.
I love the Olympic Trials, one of my favorite sporting events to watch. It is the most competitive meet in the world, even more so than the Olympics. The depth of the US swimmers is far more competitve than the Olympics, considering each country can only send 2 swimmers in any given event. Every event has a dozen or more swimmers with hopes and dreams of being one of those top 2 to be able to call themselves an Olympian. And dozens more are there, knowing they don't have a legitamite shot, but just going to try their best on the biggest stage. Anyway you look at it, its a magical event. What I love most about it is you never come away disappointed. Sure, maybe your favorite swimmer might disappoint you. Look at Brendan Hansen in the 2008 Trials in the 200 meter breaststroke. Just a few weeks earlier he was the world record holder. When it came time for Trials, he couldn't even make the team. It was disappointing that Brendan was not at his best, but what makes up for that is the fact that the Trials sort out who is ready, and who will make up the best possible team for USA! So, best of luck to everyone, you do your best so we know the US will have their best in London!

Work has been insanely busy, and is not letting up. Throw in the fact that I'm getting dozens of emails each day to make adjustments to our KCCC swim roster, it has been really hectic. It was tough being away from home a few days last week. Technology helped a lot with that. Being able to video chat with the family makes a huge difference. Just need to figure out why my picture was upside down on my wife's phone.

Quin's battle with Autism has been really challenging lately. I mentioned a few blogs ago that we were having some difficult and unusual behavior problems. We suspected something was off on the medication we started him on. Then it appeared things got better. And the last week or so, things have gotten pretty bad again. I'm starting to think the behaviors he had before the medications I prefer much more over what we are seeing now. The plan now is to hang in there, and give the medication a fair shot until his doctor's visit early next month.

Training; What can I say? It's taper time. I get in the water, warm up, do some fast stuff, practice some technique, and get out.  Pretty simple, pretty easy, pretty fun! Now I'm just trying to get through the part where you don't feel well at all during taper. It will come around soon enough. Tonight, my workout is swimming the 200 free in the KCCC swim meet. I'm looking forward to my new age group.

That's all for now. Follow along the trials at  If that isn't enough excitement for you, check out the KCCC results at

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